
I want to propose a Zlimblick in english. Same rule as in french but in english.
It will be a classic "zlimblick " : the goal is to find what I think (Yes I do it sometime) . You will have to ask me questions to which I will answer by Yes or No. You can ask only one question and one proposal per day.

So let's start.!! this is quite an easy one.

[edit myself] : It is not part of the Zlimblick contest (exept if Mox want to include it) so Krisanto you can play !

hahaha wanderful!!

ok, first question :
Can you touch the zlimilimilimiliblick?

Dernière édition par Elfie le 14-06-2006; édité 1 fois

Yes in a certain way but no. (this is an answer a la Pyro Diable )

Is the Zli....... a picture ?

no it isn't a picture

is it only on the computer (on the internet for example)?? (that would explain that you can touch without touching it...)

What a good idea ! :p

Mmmhhh Is the zlimblick a person ?

helezliton : yes it is only on internet (as far as I know)
gillout : no it is not a real person that I'm looking for.

May I read the zlimblick ?

Krisanto : Yes you can!

Can you find it only on Zliton?

elfie : Yes it is only on Zliton (or if not this is a coincidence)

Is the zlimblick on the forum ?

[Gillout] (Mmh If you want,toto, I 'll distribute the zlipancakes when it will be finished)
(Sorry for my English)
I've corrected, thanks

Dernière édition par gillout le 15-06-2006; édité 1 fois

gillout : I would say the Zlimblick was on the forum ! but I say yes
your english is ok, don't worry but I think is it :
"I 'll distribute the zlicrepes when it is finish" isn't it elfie ? (I am not an expert with tenses)

Edit Elf: I would say "I'll distribute the ZLIPANCAKES when it is finishED" but I could be wrong. Thanks a lot Gillout! That'll be much appreciated!
you are right Elfie I missed the ED.

Dernière édition par toto fait dodo le 15-06-2006; édité 1 fois

The zlimblick is the "Zlibac à sable". How do you say "Zlibac à sable" in french ?

The zlibliblimiklibilik is abstract ?

[Ur'] Zlibac à sable = Zlisandpit

no it is not the Zlibac à sable.
and the Zlimblick is not abstact (in fact it depends what you mean by abstract)

It was on the forum ...

so It isn't on the forum now ...
so we can't see it ! Comprends pas...

Sorry ! ^^

Is the zlimblick a topic ?

You think too much my little rabbit
and no the Zlimblick is not a topic.

Is the Zlimblibliliblick written in english ?

no it is not written in english not even in french or if you prefer it is both in english and in french.