Congratulations Rocco !

5b : make a search, I'm sure that you will find Wink

just a note about the pumkin,

this is a Zligetable reserved to some players who participated to Halloween contest.
this is where the dificulty was.
just make a search in the forum Zliquizz.

Toto, I found the contest and this is what Niamor said:

Et voilà la surprise tant attendue, une nouveau zligume : la zlicitrouille que seuls les participants à ce concours vont pouvoir planter pendant 6 mois, après quoi elle sera accessible à tout le monde .

Should it not be accessible to everyone now?

5b a écrit:

Should it not be accessible to everyone now?

Yes, it should be.. Mr. Green
But I think Niamor has forgotten and today it's late. ^^