Here you can (WILL!) talk about the books you read, you loved, you hated... go on, tell us! L'a du mal lui

I like very much Harry Potter, it's very interesting.
[Edit barablix] "to talk about" ... Do you really think you're "talking about" ?

imperator59: i have just kick TRENT'S message, plz elfie, do your job !! Wink

[Elfie] sorry imperator, but I could't use the internet this week-end... but everything is fine now L'a du mal lui

totor59: no problem baby Wink

I love the work of JRR Tolkien (no kidding ?!).
Not only he has written a great story like Lord of the Rings but he has created a world with his own History, myths and legends, different races and languages, etc.
I think Tolkien was a genius. He has thought up the heroic fantasy style.
He is one of my gods, with the great Xlitus (not Zlitus the traitor) and maybe Barablix Mr. Green

PS : if you're not sure of your English, you can use Google's linguistic tools.

Dernière édition par Urwendi le 06-06-2004; édité 3 fois

I entirely agree with tolkien (hum sorry, urwendi). The Tolkien's work is magic. But in Fantasy, Quoi quoi ? do you know Robin Hobb Love ! and especially, Assassin's apprentice and the cycle assassin? These books take away the reader in a complex world with its religions, its laws, its organisation and its magic. The characters are very search and their psychology evolute. I wait with impatience the continuation of the sequence. Slurp
I do an effort to write in english, I hope there aren't too many mistakes!!! Sad
I like too Harry Potter who is one of books I have read in english...I didn't want to wait the french book's publishing!!
after it's a band with a dictionnary french-english Harry Potter. It's for the people who wants to read Harry in english..

There are so lovely books : The Lord of the Rings ( because some guys are sweet and brave ), The Silmarillion , Bilbo the Hobbit, The War of Swans ( t 1 , 2 ,3 ...)( because this story is beautiful ) , The Northern Lights , The subtle Knife , The Amber Spyglass , The Ruby in the Smoke , The Shadow in the Norh ( those books are from Phillip Pullman , a great writer for me ) , Musashi ( i've not found the English name ) , Harry Potter ( of course ) ( J.K. Rowling is a very good writer) ... And so one ...

Like you can see , I love heroic-fantasy .Those books are very interessants , isn't it ?

I agreed with you Urwendi , Tolkien is the best writer I know ...
Khelby , I've read a book that Robin Hood like very much . And I'm agree with him .

So , Mnémos are good editions ...

See you later !

Elfie , wich books like you ?
( My english is not very good , sorry for you ...)

my favorite books... there are so many!!
like you, Katan I love heroic fantasy!
of couse I'm crasy about Tolkien's books!
and "His Dark Materials" trilogy by Pullman,
and the Harry Potters (even if I was disappointed by the 5th one...)
I also just fell for Garth Nix's books: Sabriel, Lirael, Abhorsen...another magic world Wink
that's the story of the Abhorsen. In a world almost dominated by the necromencers, the Abhorsen's job is to go in Death and try to keep the deads there, but when her father disappear, Sabriel has to go to the Old Kingdom and try to find him before one of the greater deads comes back to Life...
in a completely different style I also am very fond of John Irving, and Michel Folco (the one who really collected the lost photos of Amelie Poulain), and Pennac and and and and... well i really should stop here...

oh I've forgotten Ann Rice and the Vampires chronicles and more particularly the Lestat's story!!!
I like the vampires and the f*** bloody sucker!!!! They're so fun, if I can I would be a vampire like Lestat, indestructible

[Elfie] let's keep our young friends hears (eyes) so,watch your language!(just for you Tornade!!) L'a du mal lui

I prefer the comic strips but i read books of Agatha Christie, Ernest Hemingway and Stephen King and i'm determined to reading "Harry Potter" because i like so much this movies. Mr. Green

I'm out !!! Hello

I like all sorts of books, but I prefer fantasy books. My favourite one is La pierre de Tu-Hadj(sorry, but I don't know the title in English) by Alexandre Malagoli. Does someone know him here? I love The Lord of the rings, of course, and Harry Potter.
I like the Vampirs chronicles by Ann Rice, espacially Pandora, but I haven't read all the storys about vampirs she wrote.If you know some more writers like her, thanks to give me their name and the title their books by MP.

The Anita Blake Series by Laurell K Hamilton (vampires etc)
I also like His Dark Materials elfie
I like anne macaffery dragon stories and things
i looove terry pratchett books (funny fantasy)
J K rowling of course he rules [edit Elfie] roooh Tom!!! SHE rules!!! Wink
and many others i read like a wild animal i read books so fast i eat them.....


I like Terry Pratchett (I've got a signed copy of the Wee Free Men. Signed in Scotland! Very Happy ), J.K.Rowling (*SPOILER* Did anyone else hate Sirus' death? He fell through a curtain. Oh my. The horror. Pas content ! ), J.R.R. Tolkein (Go Legolas! Love ! ), and Artemis Fowl. (Got to love Holly Laughing ).

yeah, i went to meet him once at a bookshop but i only got 3 of my books signed cos they wouldnt let me take them all with me....that was when thief of time came out
have u read hat full of sky? (sequel to wee free men) if you havent you should its fantastic!

Haven't read Hat Full of Sky yet, I want to read that though, it's hard to get hold of a copy it's so popular. I'll try to reserve it in my library.
I had problems with the signing too, though they were different. I'm a school pupil, and it was on during school hours Crying or Very sad so we had to chance to see him, and had to preorder a copy and the staff got him to sign it for us. Very Happy my best friend, another fan, got a message from him in true Scottish, and she still has no idea what it means. Hein ?
Nac Mac Feegle... Wee Free Men! Pardon !