happy new year

happy new year Toi t'es le roi ! Paye un coup Clap clap Pété de rire Pété de rire Paix !

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!!!!!!!! Mr. Green Mr. Green

Let all your wishes come true (even the wildest ones) have a wonderful time, enjoy yourselves, don't worry, be happy!
Everything will be fine!!!
Love you all! L'ancien

Happy new year everybody!!!!

I wish you a lot of zliton baby and zliton and to be a Zlibestof!!!

Push the red button !!!

Happy new year 2005 !!! hello mum, how are you ?
(You can reply here, don't be nasty please, I don't want to be erased !!!
The weather's very good in Britain, a little bit cold. And in UK ?)

hum... I understood. I exit.

Well it's sunny and pretty warm !! but...... wait a minute... this is a private conversation isn't it... mmmh we could create a post about weather... hehehe not interesting tho L'a du mal lui .. but....ok ok ok ok I shut up... and go out as well Arrow Arrow

Well, i wish you all a very happy new year.
But be careful what you wish for. Wink