is there anybody here ?

Toto arrive in front of the Zlipub expecting to see people drinking some Zlivegetable Zlijuice, speaking together, laughting, ...
but there is nobody. not even a life form except the spiders in building more webs. in fact there is a lot of webs. and dust.
Toto enter in the Zlipub and ask :
- hey ohh. Hi there!

and get not responce except the echo.

This place should be re-open to all the Zlitonians.
So toto take the broom in the cupboard and began to clean the dust on the ground, the tables and everywhere.

But the task is huge. maybe some Zlitonians can help?

[Sorry elfie for the possible mistakes, I tried to make my best !]

Someone sneezed. Someone or Something?
Toto looked around him but couldn't see anything.
"Is anybody here ?" he shouted.
a shadowy shape was looking at him from the ceiling. He hadn't notice her yet.
Elfie moved her head and every bone in her neck came back in place with a worrying noise.
This made Toto jump and he was now Threatening her with his broom.
She jumped, or rather fell heavily on the floor and tried to speak but only a faint whisper came out.
she tried to get up but all her muscles and bones didn't seem to agree with her and wouldn't do what they were told.
"Water" she whispered "Water and food"