Zlischool : English lesson


Wellcome to the new English lesson of the Zliton's Zlischool.
Here you will get grammar and spelling lesson in English in the same way as in the French Zliecole :ref : https://zliton.com/viewtopic.php?t=8271
but also short story writing and poesy.
only one rule : Write it in english (american or british english).
and don't forget, you are here to learn, making mistakes is ok, this is THE way to learn.
everybody can correct mistakes done by others. (obvioulsy you can correct mine if I made some )

The first lesson will be : write a short story about winter holidays.

PS to Elfie, I know I do this topic and I leave but I think this is a good Idea.

Mmmh it seems that everyone is scared of the Zlipub... It might be because of the broken chairs and the dust everywhere... who knows.
Anyway, I wanted to tell you about my Zlitonian, Woltan.
He hates winter. He really hates it. He thinks it's all damp and cold and useless. Even when I tell him to watch the beautiful lights or the softness of the snow, or any other things he doesn't listen. So he was really angry when , last winter, I told him that we were about to go in the mountain to do some experiments. But being my assistant he had no choice but to follow me. We found a nice cave were we could set our camp and equipment and decided to spend the night there. Woltan was happy to be away from the wind and that he could keep dry. In the morning we discovered that the snow had blocked the entrance of the cave and that we were stuck inside. I wasn't bothered and carried on with my experiment but Woltan was really freaked out. He was swinging himself on the snow to try to make his way out without success. Eventually he got tired and fell on the floor. It was then that i decided that I've had enough of the cave and I casted a fire spell that melted the snow at the entrance and we could go out.
I know I could have done it sooner... but I like to tease Woltan!