[Quizz] Cluedo [won by gertrude]

Hi folks,

We will play to the well known game "cluedo" (if someone know the english name he is welcome).
Obviously it has to be adapted to play on a forum.

The background, someone has been killed. You have to find the murderer, the place where the murder took place and the weapon.

Suspects: (some of the members of the Zliton team Smile

The Places:
The Zlipub
The Victim's Zlifield
The Victim's Zlipancake Factory
The Zlimag office
The Zlischool
The Zlitown-hall

The weapons:
A poisoned Zlipancake
A knife
A gun
A rope
A candlestick
A spanner

You will have to propose me a triplet of place/weapon/murderer. If you are wrong, I will give you a reason why it is false,
Ex: you propose "Gertrude in the Zlischool with a poisoned Zlipancake" I can answer for example "no it is not in the Zlischool"
The game stops when someone finds the answer.

in the same day, a player cannot play 2 times in a row (at least one other user have to propse an answer before you can propose a new one, but if no one makes a proposal at the end of the day, the day after you can make a new proposal.)

the gains : 1 pancakes per asked questions for the winner.

I am waiting for your propositions

[toto] underlined proposition have been proposed and are known as impossible.

[Elf] aaand I'm back!! the title "Cluedo" is actually the english one. The word clue in the title explaining the game Wink

Dernière édition par toto fait dodo le 18-08-2006; édité 7 fois

I purpose myself in the zlipub with a candlestick

I'll say Gertrude in the Zliclub with the poisoned zlipancake.

I'm sure she is guilty, look at her perverse smile Wink

If I understand ^^

I'll say Urwendi in the zlipub with a gun XD

Pyro in The Victim's Zlipancake Factory with a knife

I like your little game!!! lol

Zmegenny in the Zlimag office with a rope..

Sorry for the delay, The answers :

Zmegenny in the Zlimag office with a rope.. => it is not zmegenny.
Pyro in The Victim's Zlipancake Factory with a knife => it is not with a knife
Urwendi in the zlipub with a gun => it is not in the Zlipub
Gertrude in the Zliclub with the poisoned zlipancake ??? the Zliclub ??? there is no Zliclub ! Spamafote !
myself (gertrude) in the zlipub with a candlestick => as I said, it is not in the Zlipub

[Ur'] pfff, stupid girl not able to read the propositions... Tss tss
[toto]Just buy new glasses ... . [leaving as quick as possible ... do not bang on my head ... ]

Pyro in the zlimag office with a gun
He really looks like a murder Peur
[toto] it is not Pyro ..... how malicious you are, Pyro does not look like a murderer... Mmmghhh ok he does but it is not him

Pyro in the zlischool with a poisoned Zlipancake Very Happy
[toto] Ok, ok pyro realy looks like a murderer, but he is realy inocent.

Urwendi in the zlitown-hall with a rope
[toto] not in the zlitown-hall, I am sorry.

Alizea in Zlischool with a knife
[toto] not a knife, already given, check the previous clues. maybe you should summarize the previous clues I gave to not propose suggestions we know are already not possible.

I summarize

Not Pyro Shocked
not Zmegenny
not a knife
not in the zliton-hall
not in the zlipub
the zliculb isn't on the purpose

[toto] because I am a good guy Un ange and it is the 1st cluedo, I will underline already given clues in the first post.

Mmmghhh Mox in the zlischool with a poisoned Zlipancake

[toto] not is the zlischool

Mox in the Victim's Zlipancake Factory with a poisoned Zlipancake
[toto] it's not with a poisoned Zlipancake

I propose Bigorno in the Victim's Zlipancake Factory with a spanner
[toto] it is not bigorno

Mox in The Victim's Zlipancake Factory with a rope
[toto] it is not in The Victim's Zlipancake Factory

Myself in The Victim's Zlipancake Factory with a rope
[toto] it is not in The Victim's Zlipancake Factory Diable

LuLuNe in the Zlimag office with a gun
[toto] no it is not LuLuNe. LuLuNe a murderer ? Pyro ok, but LuLuNe, come on ...

Mox in The Victim's Zlifield with a rope
[toto] that's not in The Victim's Zlifield

MoX in the zlimag office with a rope
[toto] You got it !!!