Who is not french ?

Canadian (Quebec) 20%
Canadian (others) 0%
Belgian 20%
Swiss 0%
Dutch 0%
British 0%
American (USA) 20%
from other european country 0%
from other non european country 40%

Total des votes : 5

Who is not french ?

I am french myself, but I want to know who is not ?

Re: Who is not french ?

Very Happy Bonjour Toto Fait Dodo et tous les habitants de Zliton. Je vis en Amérique du Sud. Mon pays est Argentin. Salutations avec affection à à tous.

[toto] wellcome Belinda. You should try it in english next time Razz I hope you will enjoy Zliton and make new friends here (in french or in english). if you have any questions just send me a friendship request.

[toto again] I forgot : As a latin american, do not hesitate to go to the spanish forum with pink22.

[Ur'] yep yep yep, we speak english here, for french speakers there are enough forums to present you

Hello, I am Lebanese and I live in Lebanon but I am not french

[toto] just a small mistake, but don't bother yourself with that.


hello,i am a belgian , i am very happyof my country...