Zliton for dummies

Hi laddies and gentlemen and welcome on Zliton

zliton zliton zliton zliton zliton zliton zliton

you will find on this topic all answers (or most of them) to the questions you have on the game. You can also go and visit the french forum "Zliton pour les nuls" to get more.

to start the game, you have to chose a Zlitonian

Arrow play
Arrow inscription
Arrow stage 1 (That's easy : Your login, mail, password)
Arrow inscription

An e-mail is sent to you to inform you abour your inscription (this is not mandatory to connect)

Arrow stage 2
Arrow connexion

Arrow Choose your zlitonian (male or female)
Arrow Give him/her a name (choose an original one, not existing in Zliton otherwise the game will not start. To get the list of already taken names, just go there ===> https://zliton.com/zlitoniens.php )
Arrow Go

The game start

Arrow login
Arrow level 1
Arrow zlitonian

here you will find how to cure, feed, clean your Zlitonian
either on the marketplace ===> https://zliton.com/compte.php?mode=martien&va=marche
either in the shop ===> https://zliton.com/compte.php?mode=martien&va=magazin

useful links to take care of your Zlitonian, Zlihen, Zlicow, cultivate your Zlifield or produce Zlipancakes.

    Exclamation the rules Exclamation the FAQ Exclamation the FAQ (cont.) Exclamation zlitonian faq Exclamation Zlihen faq Exclamation Zlicow faq Exclamation Zlifield faq Exclamation Zlifactory faq Exclamation Zlibaby faq

and the :???: and :!!!: dispatched here and there on the site

for the friendship side
[most of them in french]

    Exclamation player presentation (fr) Exclamation age of the players (fr) Exclamation regional search (fr) Exclamation singles club (fr) Exclamation hand book (fr)

direct links to the forum
(fr) : forum in french or mainly in french

Zliton.com â?? in English

zliton Zliton for beginners (Rules, tactics about the game, or if you do not understand something on the site usage)

zliton All you need is Zliton to speak about zliton or not , Zligames, ...

zliton Zlipub Roleplay : write stories about Zliton or participate to RolePlay with other players.

Zliton.com â?? Général (French)

zliton Information(fr) (annonces and general informations)

zliton Général(fr) (To speak about Zliton)

zliton Pendant ce temps-là sur terre(fr) (for everything which does not have any relation with Zliton)

zliton Zliton pour les nuls(fr) (Rules, tactics about the game, or if you do not understand something on the site usage)

zliton Zli-Quizz(fr) (Games proposed day by day to players ... ; many Zlipacakes to win)


zliton Le Zlibar(fr) (write stories about Zliton or participate to RolePlay with other players)

zliton Relations(fr) (friendship, dating, wedding, divorce, adoption)

zliton Le Zlimag(fr) (Official Zliton's Magazine)

Zliton.com International

zliton Spanish side: Español

zliton Dutch side : Nederlands [Zliton voor beginners]


zliton Suggestions(fr) (to improve the site, the evolution of the game, the forum usage or react on suggestions proposed by other players)

zliton Bugs(fr) (for bugs )

And .... mostly important : the Zliton charter (fr)... to read for the comfort of all of us (mainly paragraph III)

the whole Zliton team wish you a nice game Wink