Internalional Final of ZliQuizz 2006

This year (2006) we have two champions of the Zliquizz:
- A French-speaking champion: Krisanto
- And an English-speaking champion: helezliton
We are thus going to make a big final to determine the international champion 2006 of Zliquizz and it is you who will to chalange Krisanto and helezliton.

For that purpose, Zliquizz team of Zliton launches a big competition to findt the one who will challenge with a Zlimblick the 2 champions.

Send me by MP (and only by MP) your proposition of Zlimblick before Sunday, January 21st.
The team Zliton will deliberate and will appoint 3 better Zlimblick.
(Earnings are already foreseen, but it will be a surprise) the best Quizz will be then propose to the 2 champions and the winner will be crowned the international champion 2006 of Zliquizz

Then, it is you to play, be creative and propose very hard Zlimblick.

PS: it goes without saying it that Krisanto and helezliton cannot participate to this competition.